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The Farm Stand

Alabama Eden Farmstand

In July of 2020, we opened Alabama Eden Farmstand on our property in Rainbow City, Alabama. As we all know, the first half of 2020 was an incredibly difficult season and, for us, included many postponed weddings and unexpected extra time in the garden. I asked my husband to build me a flower stand for my birthday and planned to stock it with extra zinnias we had blooming. Alabama Eden Farmstand quickly took off and became a magical, flower-filled respite amid all the chaos of this year. Demand for locally-grown, heirloom blooms has been overwhelming and we're planning for an abundance of flowers in 2021.

W H A T I N S P I R E S Y O U ?

Alabama the beautiful! That’s our state motto and it really is such an incredibly gorgeous place to live. We have so many native plants and flowers that mix perfectly with garden blooms to create floral magic.

W H A T I S Y O U R M O S T F A V O R I T E F L O W E R ?

Stock. Just because it smells heavenly. Unfortunately, it doesn’t grow well in our warm climate. Maybe I’ll get a few good stems from our soil one day!


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